Monday, May 25, 2009


I spent my spring break, well, in many different ways. Sunday my eleven year old, couldn’t be quiet if her life depended on it, cousin spent the night after we went to church. Monday, Emily, my cousin left around noon. The rest of the day was me and my dad hanging out and watching old shows. Tuesday was spent going to Jonesboro with my Granny and my youngest cousin, the one who must get her way or you get in trouble, katelynn. So with that mixture of relatives we went on our way no excitement filled my heart. So while my Granny read a book I played with the brat, I mean Katelynn, in the pool making sure she would be okay. She is four but I promise she really is spoiled it is a long story though, so I will spare you the details. Anyway, before my thought process was so rudely interrupted by the other random thought, I got home mad, tired, and ready to kill Wednesday. I felt sorry for my dad he got my wrath that was meant to kept a lid on it but when your tired it is very difficult to do when you just spent a long trip with a very irritating family. I went straight to bed which was very much needed. Thursday I spent the night with my Nanna, who is my favorite grandmother of all time. We went to Mountain View Friday and the rest is a blur of just me and her and fun. That is what my spring break was, my Nanna making it all better.

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