Monday, May 25, 2009

i heart you you haunt me book review

I heart you, you haunt me, is a very good book. Its about a girl and her boyfriend has died and its just so sweet. I really can not tell you much without giving it all out because it is just to tempting. It was written in poetic form and it is a beautiful story about letting go. This is all I can say about it besides that you need to read it is very touching and sincere and a very easy read. So it is small and sweet and a good book to read if you have some spare time.


I spent my spring break, well, in many different ways. Sunday my eleven year old, couldn’t be quiet if her life depended on it, cousin spent the night after we went to church. Monday, Emily, my cousin left around noon. The rest of the day was me and my dad hanging out and watching old shows. Tuesday was spent going to Jonesboro with my Granny and my youngest cousin, the one who must get her way or you get in trouble, katelynn. So with that mixture of relatives we went on our way no excitement filled my heart. So while my Granny read a book I played with the brat, I mean Katelynn, in the pool making sure she would be okay. She is four but I promise she really is spoiled it is a long story though, so I will spare you the details. Anyway, before my thought process was so rudely interrupted by the other random thought, I got home mad, tired, and ready to kill Wednesday. I felt sorry for my dad he got my wrath that was meant to kept a lid on it but when your tired it is very difficult to do when you just spent a long trip with a very irritating family. I went straight to bed which was very much needed. Thursday I spent the night with my Nanna, who is my favorite grandmother of all time. We went to Mountain View Friday and the rest is a blur of just me and her and fun. That is what my spring break was, my Nanna making it all better.

house book review

House, this book was a simple wow. I wish that is all I could write because it fits so right, but to make me sound more intelligent which is more difficult to do than you will ever know, I need to write more. This book was written by Ted Dekker and Frank Petreti. It was a scary read, I cheated I read the last two pages only to know if it ends up okay because I was reading right before bed and it was scaring me and I would rather not have nightmares the horrible part was the fact it had so much symbolism and meaning. If you are a Christian and maybe even if your not you will catch it. Should you read this? Yes! Is it scary? Yes! I do not want it to scare you so just so you know it all ends up fine. So go read it, now!

hunted book review

Hunted, there was only one reason I read this book, to know what happens. It aggravates so much simply because it ended with you hanging, once again like it did with the rest of their books. To be honest I can not stand these books, I just want to know what happens to Zoey Redbird in the end but there always seems to be more. Many people love these books, its about vampires but after twilight that is as far as I go. Should you read this book? Should you read this book is a very good question I have no idea is the only answer I can tell you it completely is your and only your decision. So good luck with deciding.

night book review...(mrs.gilmore it wouldn't do italics so i'm sorry i tried.)

Night, to be completely honest I started this book going, oh no another holocaust story, but this book surprised me by making it interesting; I could feel the raw emotion of the author. The boy and his father’s relationship was like a journey of life in a couple years, it is what a boy would go through with his father with all the choices of abandonment, but he never did he thought about it, but he never did it. Could you honestly say that if push came to shove you would be there, I hope we never have to answer that question. This story is completely and utterly heart wrenching good book but I you want a happy ending with romance and all of that type of writing pick another book but if you want the truth grab a box of tissues and start reading.

Wrestling Match review

The Wrestling Match, this story had a lot of conflict that I probably wouldn’t have realized if Mrs. Gilmore hadn’t pointed out. As a book it was confusing in many sections, because the setting was in North America, Africa region, it was difficult to understand. The culture, names, and just the way peoples mind set was different from mine so it was difficult for me to relate to the characters, once you could mostly figure out what the writer was trying to put across to me the reader it was easier to understand what the characters were saying and what was going through there mind. As a story it had a lot of meaning it is a good read if you want to try to work things out in your mind, or put the names together to match them with the people, So all in all a good read.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

When I was researching the rescue of the Jews in the holocaust I was shocked to find that when we were ending the war the Nazis were still trying to kill the Jews. They were still putting them in gas chambers and such.
Another thing although its not really apart of my part in the story but, while I was reading stories I saw a picture of a hug metal tub type thing filled with wedding rings. That is just wrong, the Nazis took everything from them they took their pride, their family, their wedding rings, and they took many peoples lives. That is just to horrible to imagine.
We could never think it happening to ourselves but the times are getting bad again and this just might start again, against Christians you never know what could happen.
To lighten the mood I decided I will show you my haiku.

Spring is here don’t fear,
Flip flops tank tops warm weather,
Then why is it cold?